Clipper for a Day

This program is designed to familiarize prospective students in the seventh and eighth grades with Xaverian. The student will be introduced and assigned to a current freshman or sophomore and will accompany that student throughout the day, beginning in homeroom and following the entire day in the life of a Clipper from 8:15 am to 2:30 pm. Register below!
  • Currently, 7th graders are welcome to visit this Spring 2025.
  • For any interested 7th graders who are unable to attend in the Spring, new dates will be made available for them during their 8th grade year, in Fall 2025.
  • Genesis students should email Mr. Frank Elie '12 at regarding scheduling a buddy day.
Students should be dressed appropriately in professional attire (boys: dress pants, dress shoes, collared shirt; girls: dress pants or knee-length dress/skirt, and dress shoes) OR students may choose to wear their school uniforms.

Please Note: Due to the number of students utilizing our buses this year, we are unable to extend bus service to our buddies. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Register Today!


Established in 1957, Xaverian is one of thirteen schools nationwide sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers.